About us

Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration curriculum at the Università d’Annunzio, Department of Engineering and Geology, (INGEO) provides a comprehensive knowledge of planetary bodies, through the study of planetary geology, remote sensing, Earth analogues studies, theoretical modelling, planetary astrophysics, spacecraft instrumentation and space mission development. The course will provide graduates the skills necessary to participate in the dynamic space sector in Europe and in the world. The faculty members of the international master's degree program are currently involved in many international space missions as well as multiple funded curriculum-related research projects.   

Faculty space mission involvement (Image Credits: ESA and NASA)

Key Information

Duration: 2-years full-time    

Minimum entry requirements: Bachelor/Laurea Triennale/Licences       

Instruction Language: English

English proficiency: A knowledge of English at or above the B2 level (CEFR) is required.

CFU: 120

Learning Modes: Students may choose in-person and distance-learning for Semesters 1 and 3. Semester 2 requires in-person learning. The learning mode for Semester 4 which is devoted to thesis work will depend on individual arrangements. The final year also includes internship work at other universities and research centres.

Application for Fall 2024 will open in March 2024 

Location: Department of Engineering and Geology (InGeo) at the Università d’Annunzio

Campus Address: Viale Pindaro, 42, 65127 Pescara, Italy

Contact for information: planetarysciences@unich.it

Student life

The Università d’Annunzio is split in two campuses in the cities of Chieti and Pescara in the Abruzzo region of Italy. The Master courses are at the Department of Engineering and Geology (InGeo) at the Università d’Annunzio in Pescara, a seaside city with a long beach facing the Adriatic Sea. Pescara is a lively Mediterranean city located in a coastal plain in front of the highest peaks of the Apennine. To learn more about housing, living cost and activities in Pescara go to Student Resources.   


Scopri cosa vuol dire essere dell'Ud'A

Via dei Vestini,31
Centralino 0871.3551

Viale Pindaro,42
Centralino 085.45371

email: info@unich.it
PEC: ateneo@pec.unich.it
Partita IVA 01335970693

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